Monday, September 7, 2015

Making public the supplemental videos for CS222

Last Fall, I started recording short screencasts to support teaching CS222. These primarily were used to continue conversations that had happened in class, but where I did not want to devote more in-class time to them. That is, these were supplemental videos to specific contexts. I used YouTube to disseminate the videos, but I kept them unlisted: only students who had the link were able to find these videos. I received positive feedback from a few students about these videos. I did not think deeply about their longevity, although even as I made them, I wondered what I would do with them after the semester was over.

This semester, my respected colleague David Largent is teaching a section of CS222 for the first time, and so I shared the playlist with him. He suggested that these videos might be useful to current students as well, even though they were not part of the original contexts. I thought about this for some time time, and I have decided to try acting on his suggestion.

The playlist of supplemental material for CS222: Advanced Programming is now public on YouTube. The only item removed from the original, unlisted playlist is a lengthy sample solution to a two-week project. I have not yet decided if I want to re-use that particular assignment or not, so that one is still hidden.

Please feel free to give me some feedback on the videos, whether you are a current CS222 student or not. If they have general value, I might continue to make them public.

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