Thursday, July 9, 2020

Deploying Godot Engine Web Games to GitHub Pages with Continuous Integration

UPDATE: This post presents what I consider a slightly easier approach.

After figuring out how to use continuous integration with Flutter Web apps on GitHub Pages, I turned my attention to Godot Engine. Through my FamJam projects, I have developed a pair of scripts ( and
) for building and deploying games to GitHub Pages. It seemed like a natural extension to see if I could do this automatically. This could be useful both for my Fam Jams and, of course, for my revised game programming course.

In addition to GitHub actions, the other two critical pieces to getting this to work are aBARICHELLO's Godot CI Docker image and, as used in my Flutter approach, peaceiris' GitHub Pages Action. Here is the simple version:

My custom build script usse NatrimCZ's approach of reducing project download size by zipping the project files and extracting them client-side, and it was surprisingly straightforward to incorporate that into an alternative GitHub workflow:

Either approach, just like with Flutter, requires you to have an authoritative push to gh-pages before using GITHUB_TOKEN for authentication will work; once again, you can do something like this to get that done:

git push origin master:gh-pages
Also, as mentioned in the comments, the script assumes that you have already configured the project with HTML5 export and that you have set the export location to build/web.

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