Monday, May 30, 2011

What they think they learned, Spring 2011 edition

After two weeks of frantic activity and a week of relative relaxation, I arrive at Memorial Day with an interest in wrapping up some reflections about the Spring semester.

I ran the final meeting of Spring's CS222: Advanced Programming class similarly to Fall's, which I wrote about back in December. First, the students brainstormed a list of the 80 things they thought they learned through the course. Then, each student was given three votes, and we voted on the most significant items. It should be noted that the students had freedom to choose how they determined what it meant for learning to be related to the class, and so not all of the items fall directly from in-class interactions; similarly, the students could choose any heuristic for voting. The top earners with their total vote tally are shown below.

Object-oriented design6
Test-driven development5
Professional tips4
Time management3
Model-view separation3

These are all self-explanatory except perhaps "professional tips." We spent a good deal of time in the course practicing and reflecting on how we learn the best practices for a language and environment. I used Java as a language of instruction, and everyone had a copy of Joshua Bloch's Effective Java, second edition. Early in the semester, I gave carefully-constructed assignments in which the students would read portions of Effective Java and apply them. As the semester went on, I loosed the reins, and by the end of the semester, I had the students searching through the book to find tips to apply in their six-week projects. I hope and believe that this kind of inversion of control was useful in helping the students learn how to be better learners.

"Time management" may be worth another mention, since my approach to this was pragmatic. There were few directed exercises that were related to time management, the most prominent being requiring projects to be completed in multiple deliverables. Students, as a subset of humans, procrastinate. Making someone take an incremental and iterative approach can have a huge impact in how they think about their own work, especially when it's the first time having to do this in a software development environment.

After this convergent thinking activity, we returned to divergent thinking as I asked the students to brainstorm on how they learned these things. As in Fall's class, the students seemed to have a harder time answering this question, and I don't think it's just because they were tired. I suspect that, despite all my efforts to foster reflective practice, the students spend most of their cognitive energy on content rather than learning processes. I need to try to find more ways to help students make the leap to metacognition, although I acknowledge that I am limited in what I can do in this sophomore-level course. Regardless, here are the only three of the 22 that earned any votes when each student was given one vote:

Practice / Doing7
Working in a group5
Failing usefully / learning from mistakes2

Clearly, all three of these are closely related, and they all deal with learning-by-doing, as I expected. Of course, the course was framed around constructionist and studio-based learning principles, and so it's no surprise that students would say they learned from these activities—it's practically all they did!

Here's the part that surprised me: in the list of 22 items, reflective writing did not come up. The students did a lot of reflective writing. The most prominent example was the learning objectives document, which I wrote about in April. In a nutshell, this collaboratively-written document was the medium by which the students' learning was to be communicated with me, and it was explicitly designed for reflective practice. Yet, even at the end of the semester when thinking about their own learning processes, and even when I was trying to steer their thinking towards this while moderating the brainstorming session, no one even mentioned this reflective writing. Far from meaning that this writing was unnecessary, I think this echoes my earlier point, that (generally) the students were not savvy at moving between multiple levels of cognition, from the content, to the thinking about the content, to metacognition.

The good news is that this was an experimental class, part of a research study on how collaborative writing impacts learning in STEM. My co-PI and I have a large amount of data to analyze, and hopefully we can gain insight into what the students experienced and how they made sense out of it.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Day with Autobeans (or, JSON vs XML for data representation in GWT, Part 2)

I spent much of the day yesterday tinkering with AutoBeans, a technology that I stumbled across while trying to find a solution to the problems described in yesterday's post. (Thanks, StackOverflow!) The tagline on the AutoBeans describes exactly what I desire: structure, not boilerplate. The problem I always have with XML is that it takes so much plumbing to get the data into the domain model. Keep in mind that I am going to have content experts creating the data files manually, and so ORM tools, Hibernate, etc. won't solve my problem.


AutoBeans provide a mechanism for automagically reading JSON data into domain objects. I put together a functionally-equivalent demo akin to the XML demo. Specifically, I have a data file that contains the definition for an image and a "hotspot," a region of the image that generates a message when moused over. The data file looks like this:

    'hotspots': [
            'bounds': { 'left':10, 'right':50, 'top':10, 'bottom':50 },
             'message': 'You found it!'

As before, this file sits right alongside my client source code and is referenced in a clientBundle, to wit:

public interface JsonResources extends ClientBundle {
    static final JsonResources INSTANCE = GWT.create(JsonResources.class);

    TextResource place();

Setting up domain objects using AutoBeans is as simple as it should be: create interfaces using the traditional Java beans naming conventions. My three domain interfaces are shown below.

Compare these to the JSON above, and you can see that there's a strong parallelism: they are essentially two representations of the same semantic model.

The Hotspot and Place are "simple" interfaces, using the nomenclature of AutoBeans. They only contain bean-style accessor and mutator methods, and so they can immediately be deserialized from JSON. The Rectangle class is not simple since it has the contains method. The AutoBean documentation describes how to deal with this: create a "category" that provides an implementation of the interface's instance method as a static method with an extra parameter, as demonstrated below.

public class RectangleCategory {
    public static boolean contains(AutoBean<Rectangle> instance, int x, int y) {
        Rectangle r =;
        return r.getLeft() <= x //
                && r.getRight() >= x //
                && r.getTop() <= y //
                && r.getBottom() >= y;

The last piece of the architecture is the AutoBean factory that wires Rectangle objects into their category. The critical piece for Rectangle is the @Category annotation.

public interface MyAutoBeanFactory extends AutoBeanFactory {
    AutoBean<Rectangle> rectangle();

    AutoBean<Place> place();

    AutoBean<Hotspot> hotspot();

This completes the model and serialization framework. The only other critical piece is the UI, which is done with a custom Composite that uses constructor injection to receive its model, a Place. Hence, the whole system is contained in the following class diagram.

I modified my EntryPoint class to use this rather than my SimpleMessage approach, and it is short and sweet:

public class JSTest implements EntryPoint {

    private MyAutoBeanFactory factory = GWT.create(MyAutoBeanFactory.class);

    public void onModuleLoad() {
        AutoBean<Place> placeBean = AutoBeanCodex.decode(factory, Place.class,
        PlaceWidget widget = new PlaceWidget(;


One of the problems of dealing with GWT is that there can be a lot of silent errors. There's a sense in which mixing statically- and dynamically-typed code gives you the worst of both worlds. Then again, it might be my own blinders from dealing almost exclusively with statically-typed systems. For example, when I first wrote out the JSON, I called the bounding area 'rect', but when I wrote the domain object, I decided to be more explicit with my semantics and called the accessor getBounds. The AutoBeans system happily chugged along and gave me no warning that I was trying to access a field that was not there, because Javascript doesn't care about that.

The more aggravating error arose from a misconception about JSON. I was in a situation where my rectangles were being loaded, but with the wrong values: (0,0,0,0) instead of my JSON-specified values. I set it aside and played some Witcher 2, which you should buy DRM-free from the good people at, and then I decided to try writing unit tests to capture the error. The test is very simple, but I'll post it here for the sake of discussion:

public class RectangleTest extends GWTTestCase {

    public String getModuleName() {
        return "com.example.archaeology_adventures";

    public void testDeserialize() {
        MyAutoBeanFactory factory = GWT.create(MyAutoBeanFactory.class);
        AutoBean<Rectangle> rectBean = AutoBeanCodex.decode(factory,
        Rectangle r =;
        assertEquals(10, r.getLeft());
        assertEquals(11, r.getRight());
        assertEquals(12, r.getTop());
        assertEquals(13, r.getBottom());


This test passes, but origially I was specifying the JSON literal thus:


I thought that all JSON objects were string:string pairs, just because that was my recollection from last Summer's Wave API experimentation. It turns out that if you deserialize that second JSON literal using AutoBeans, it will interpret strings as having the numeric value zero, and hence, give rectangle (0,0,0,0). Again, because this is dynamically typed, there is no warning or error about this conversion: you, the developer, just have to know that this is part of the language semantics. I assumed that there would be some kind of implicit conversion that doesn't happen. Removing the erroneous apostrophes solved this unit test's problem, and removing them from my experimental code fixed the problem there as well.


I am pleased that this technology provides a nigh-seamless way to go from a data representation to domain objects. Because there is little boilerplate code, it should permit rapid iteration much more than hand-parsed XML. It's possible that there's an analogous tool for XML of course, and if you know of one, please share it.

Coming back to the original problem, these data files will be created by non-programmer content-experts, although they will be collocated with the development team. Hence, one of the outstanding problems in the JSON/XML consideration is which of the following is more sensible to non-programmers:

    'hotspots': [
            'bounds': { 'left':10, 'right':50, 'top':10, 'bottom':50 },
             'message': 'You found it!'


    <img src="Jellyfish.jpg"/>
        <rect x1='10' y1='10' x2='50' y2='50'/>
        <text>You found it!</text>

As always, I welcome your comments.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

JSON vs XML for data representation in GWT

(This is Part 1 of a series. See also Part 2.)

In a few weeks, I will be working with my Morgan's Raid collaborator Ron Morris (History), Mark Groover from Anthropology, and about ten undergraduate students to develop a prototypical digital archaeology simulation. The intent of the project is to create a technological tool to teach 4th-graders about historical archaeology, that it is a scientific process and more than just a dig. I will not dwell on the project design here, but rather I would like to share some of my experimentations with JSON, XML, and GWT.

We want to have the widest possible adoption, and since the expected interactions are fairly simple, making this a Web application seemed best. GWT stands out as an excellent candidate technology since it handles cross-browser issues better than any of our team can. Flash would be a contender, of course, but I ruled it out early since I don't know enough Flash/Actionscript to be confident in leading the team in an appropriate software architecture.

We will only have five weeks to develop the prototype, and the team will include a technical team (mostly Computer Science majors and minors) and a content team (mostly Anthropology and History majors). Unlike Morgan's Raid, in which we could create content directly in Java since the designers were also developers, this project would benefit from an intermediary domain-specific language that the designers can use. An architecture I had kicked around in my head involved using Ruby to define an internal DSL that would be processed in GWT. However, it's not possible to put JRuby into a GWT project since the GWT compiler would try to transform the whole kit and kaboodle into Javascript, and that's not possible or even sensible. I'll just have to find another project in which to experiment with Ruby DSLs; for now it's off the table.


Considering a data representation layer, I started by considering how Javascript could be used directly for configuration-based programming. That is, the technical team could write an interpreter on top of Javascript data created by the content team. I played with JSON last Summer when working with the Wave API, and it seemed like a nice way to represent domain objects. Overlay types provide a well-documented approach for using JSON to represent domain objects in GWT. As a proof of concept, I whipped up a simple message wrapper. The interface looks like this:

public interface LittleMessage {

     * Get the text of this message.
     * @return message text
    public String text();

The annotation references another class that is shown below. Note that Google's documentation, as of this writing, does not make this relationship clear, but a little tinkering with the annotation value revealed the proper approach.

public class LittleMessageImpl extends JavaScriptObject { 

     * Create a {@link LittleMessageImpl} from JSON text.
     * @param json the JSON string
     * @return new message object
    public static final native LittleMessageImpl buildMessageFromJSON(String json) /*-{
        return eval('(' + json + ')');
    // Required for the GWT compilation process
    protected LittleMessageImpl() {}
     * @return the text of this message
    public final native String text() /*-{
        return $wnd.checkNotNull(this.text);


The two important bits are the factory method, which uses native Javascript to evaluate a JSON string into an object, and the Javascript native implementation of the text() method.

In debugging this program, I encountered a problem where I had called the field by two different names, and of course because Javascript is dynamically typed, I had no compiler support to detect this. To ease debugging, I wrote a nigh-trivial Javascript method, checkNotNull, that behaves like Preconditions.checkNotNull from Guava: if the argument is not null, it is returned, and if it is null, it bombs out. I put this method into a file called preconditions.js that lives in the "public" folder of my project. Making this work took some trial and error, but the crux of it is this: if your application's root package is com.example, then you can put a folder under com/example/public and put resources there, and these resources will be loaded prior to your GWT applications' execution. This is defined in the documentation, although I had a hard time extracting the previous sentence's meaning from what was given.

Coming back to LittleMessageImpl, the json itself sits right in the application: it is not the result of a request to a server, as JSON is frequently used. I made a file message.json that sits in my com.example.client package, and it is referenced as a text resource in my JsonResources class:

public interface JsonResources extends ClientBundle {
    static final JsonResources INSTANCE = GWT.create(JsonResources.class);
    TextResource message();


Now, to create my LittleMessage, I need only do this:

LittleMessageImpl message = LittleMessageImpl

Like many things, it's easy once you know how.

This was a helpful process for learning how GWT works, but I encountered a problem soon afterwards that perhaps I should have foreseen. One of the actual problems I want to solve with GWT is to have an image that has "hotspots" where, when they are moused over, something happens. This is trivially done in GWT using Image and MouseMoveHandler. The problem, however, is granularity of representation. I would like to be able to represent the image as a composite of hotspots that define geometric regions and actions. I could structure the whole thing as a JSON object, but in Java, I want it broken down into pieces, an InteractiveImage holding zero or more Hotspots, for example. This is where my knowledge of Javascript breaks down. It's not clear to me how I could take a JSON string and, with the same kind of elegance as simply evaling it, end up with a beautiful composite object. Two-pass parsing is of course an option, where the first pass makes a "dumb" Java representation that is then converted into a better domain model, but then you lose the elegance of the overlay types.

From here, I considered diving into Javascript, JSON, and GWT a bit more deeply, but I decided instead to go on a tangent. It's all experimentation, after all. Why not try that nasty old de facto standard for Web application data representation, XML?


GWT has good XML support. It has to. Plus, the XML parser looks exactly like Java's XML parser that I've used a good many times. I had built some confidence from my Javascript experiments and decided to try to solve a real problem this time. My data representation in XML looks like this:

    <img src="Jellyfish.jpg" />
        <rect x1="10" x2="50" y1="10" y2="50">
        <text>You found it!</text>

I happened to be on Windows when writing this, so I opened up my sample pictures folder and found a nice jellyfish image to use. (Why was I in Windows? To minimize time between experiments and Witcher 2.) Like message.json, I put this file—demo.xml—right in my com.example.client folder, and I load it as a text resource analogously.

Without overlay types, I need to do my own XML parsing. I took what I consider to be a standard approach, making a domain object called MouseablePlace that extends Composite and gave it a public static parseXML(Document) method. This then does rather mundane building of a MouseablePlace from the configuration data, but the result is a beautiful MouseablePlace which contains a series of Hotspot objects, each of which contains a Rect, and these are pulled from the XML via ad hoc recursive descent parsing. To the MouseablePlace is attached a MouseMoveHandler that checks whether the mouse is in any of the Hotspots, and if so, the Hotspot's message is shown in a status label on the screen.

Next steps

Both XML and JSON are contenders to represent the domain objects in this application. For that matter, we could also use an internal DSL in Java, but I would rather keep the learning curve as low as possible for the content team. Whether XML or JSON is more sensible to non-programmers, I have no idea. If we had nore time, we would wrap the whole thing in an editor, but we do not have that luxury.

If you have any experience or suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments.

Go to Part 2, which covers my experimentation with AutoBeans.