I have been tinkering the last several months with a videogame prototype inspired by some of the tabletop roleplaying games that my boys and I have been playing. Similar to how my game The Endless Storm of Dagger Mountain explored PbtA mechanisms, I've wondered about the strengths and weaknesses of interpreting Forged in the Dark systems into a text-based videogame. Last week, once I put away most of the work of the Fall semester, I was able to dive more deeply into work on a prototype. I felt really good about it until a few days ago, when I came to doubt—not for the first time—some decisions I had made in the software architecture. So, in this, my sixth December blog post, I want to unpack some of the considerations that I have put into these efforts so that I might stop programming in circles.
I decided to use Dart and Flutter for the game. I teach with Dart and Flutter in CS222 because I legitimately enjoy the technology stack. I am competent with them but would not call myself an expert. I have only built two public systems with these tools: my Thunderstone Quest Randomizer and a little timer utility to help with Promotion and Tenure Committee meetings. The former is much larger than the latter, and if I were to build it again, I would do it differently, but I keep maintaining it for myself and other fans of the card game.
I appreciate Dart's static typing, named parameters, pattern matching, and sealed classes, and Flutter's declarative approach can simplify otherwise complex UI logic. Something else that draws me toward Dart and Flutter, besides the elegance of the language and framework, is the inspirational work of Filip Hracek. His Knights of San Francisco is similar to some of the experimentation I have been doing, and his writings about Flutter's performance and the ethics of software design are interesting and insightful. I spent most of a summer working through his open source egamebook repository, trying to understand how a serious Dart programmer uses the language to accomplish his game design goals.
However, the choice to use Dart and Flutter over Godot Engine is never fully settled in my heart of hearts. Whereas Dart is dreamy for game logic, Godot Engine makes it dead simple to create juicy bits of design. Its AnimationPlayer is brilliant for little effects, whereas setting up an AnimationBuilder in Flutter takes a whole lot of typing. Godot's node-based approach means that individual parts of the program can easily be run in isolation and tested, and tool scripts allow customization of the editor itself. Unfortunately, GDScript has no refactoring support, and this is a significant impediment to a test-driven approach: changing my mind about a name or a design choice in GDScript has nasty rippling effects. Type hints in GDScript are invaluable, but they are no replacement for real static typing. Also, creating simple data structures in GDScript is much more arduous than in Dart. All this is to say that I'm dealing with game logic in GDScript, I find myself thinking, "This would be easier in Dart," and when I'm working on simple UI tweaks in Flutter, I think, "This would be easier in Godot Engine." I know that there's no silver bullet, yet I cannot silence the little fear that maybe I chose the wrong environment for this project.
State management is at the heart of any game software. The official Flutter documentation explains the basics, and the list of advanced options makes it clear that there is not one right way. I have long been intrigued by Bloc and decided to try using it as a state management solution for my experimentation. I spent a lot of time the past several weeks reading the official tutorials, and I believe I have a good sense of the system now. Crucial to Bloc is a separation of concerns: Flutter widgets provide a humble view of the UI state, which is managed in a bloc (business logic component), and this is separate yet from the domain layer. For Internet-connected apps, the domain layer involves a repository layer, but for my purposes, it was simple enough to roll these together. For my first Bloc-powered prototype, I followed the tutorials' approach and used equatable to generate some of the boilerplate required. Searching the Web reminded me of freezed, and once I understood how Bloc and equatable worked together, I happily switched to freezed for its excellent code generation support. Using the bloc and freezed snippets plugins for Android Studio is practically necessity here. Once my experimental coding was done, I felt like I could move forward with a more rigorous TDD approach, since now I could think about the features separately from the underlying architecture. I was inspired as well by Dave Farley's commentary about how a layered approach to unit tests means that developers can change their minds about implementation strategies without breaking all of their tests. Knowing that I would continue to change my mind as I explored the design space, I moved forward.
One of my early experiments explored whether I might just consider the whole game to be "business logic" that belongs in the bloc. That is, I considered cutting out the separate domain layer and putting all the game logic in the bloc. This was of limited viability as I quickly ran into two problems. One was that I found myself having to put game logic in the Flutter widgets since they could not simply read UI state from the bloc. This was clearly counter to the spirit of the architecture. The other problem came up when dealing with threat rolls. In the Deep Cuts rules expansion to Blades in the Dark, players roll dice and assign them to consequences, which are negative effects like taking damage or losing items. Assigning dice to consequences mitigates their impact. It struck me that assigning dice was purely UI state and not game state. That is, a player might experiment with different assignments of dice to consequences, but nothing in the game domain model actually changes until those arrangements are committed.
Armed with this realization, I extracted the game rules into their own module, and I gave this module its own immutable state. The state could be modified by a few public methods that were called by either the bloc or my unit tests. For example, the method commitDice took the assignment of dice to consequences and computed the resulting change in the game world state. This also let me separate that state from the widgets entirely: whereas I had been sending the world state to the Flutter widgets, now I could add a layer of abstraction related to UI state. For example, rather than sending the game world state to the view from the bloc, I could send only those details that mattered for the state, such as which buttons were enabled, or what text should be shown in a label. This meant I could have tests on the bloc and trust that a humble view would work as anticipated.
My pleasure at this transition made it even more disheartening when, earlier this week, I sat down to add a new feature and realized I had programmed myself into a corner. After assigning dice to consequences and before their effects are committed to the game world, a player can also opt to "push themselves" to mitigate consequences. This results in another dice roll whose outcome determines how much stress the pushing causes to the character. It means that between the committing of dice assignments and the final changes to the state is another step in which players might push themselves to alter the outcomes. However, this means that the changes to the world state might be coming from unmitigated consequences, dice-assignment-based mitigation, or pushing-based mitigation. The game world simply needs to change, but a good player experience in the UI should distinguish among these.
A fair criticism at this point would be that I should have foreseen that pushing would require a more robust handling of actions and consequences. In fact, I was aware of this, but I was also trying to push the limits of narrow slicing and Farley-style TDD/BDD combined with emergent architecture. I wanted to complete a well-factored feature (in this case, dice assignment) before increasing the complexity by adding a new feature. Despite my efforts, I can see now that revising the core action resolution system will have significant ripple effects on my test layers.
Just before exploring the pushing mechanism, I had stubbed in an approach for dealing with the outcome of progress clock expiration. I needed to attach represent arbitrary game effects to a clock, and so I sketched in a Command pattern. In particular, I encapsulated the idea that the main clock would end the game by creating an EndGameEffect and attaching that to the clock. I used freezed for the Command objects to facilitate future serialization. With this design pattern fresh in my mind, as I faced the bigger problem of state management, I found myself thinking I should be queuing game state change events rather than just making world changes. This would work, but it also made me realize that all I really wanted was to give a command to the world like "mark two stress on the character and reduce the effect of this consequence." That sounds like a couple of method calls to me.
Casey Yano of MegaCrit (Slay the Spire) reflected on his company's evaluation of Godot Engine following the colossal leadership failures at Unity. The sample code he shares uses a combination of a stateful model with asynchronous invocations: await FighterCmd.GainHp(owner, 2, owner). Clearly, he's going through a presentation layer that implements all the fundamental game verbs as asynchronous calls, giving these methods the responsibility to both change the model and display the state change to the user. By contrast, Flutter's declarative approach leans toward having the UI detect a change to the model and then animate the feedback. The latter gives a clear separation of layers that facilitates testing. In practice, though, the game's UI and the game's logic are tightly coupled, and now the code for a feature like "update the health bar when taking damage" is split into disparate places.
In The Endless Storm of Dagger Mountain, which was written in Godot Engine, I managed the state and UI as in Yano's example, writing code like await adventure.show_text('It was a dark and stormy night...'). The use of await makes the call a coroutine, but Godot has no other syntactic indication that a function should be called this way. This means that forgetting a single await will break a chain of intended asynchronous calls, and that's exactly what led to a post-jam patch for that project. I didn't have exhaustive test coverage, nor did I prioritize running through all paths of the game. The result was that a missing await call made at least one of the paths completely lock up for the players. To me, this reflects a weakness of the GDScript language design; by contrast, Dart's use of async, await, and futures make it clear at compile time which invocations are asynchronous and which are not. (Incidentally, Yano is using C# instead of GDScript. I did experiment with GDScript's C# bindings, but a few things held me back from using them: many of the strengths of GDScript, such as elegant signal management, are lost in C#; there is a lot more boilerplate required; there is no Web export for Godot 4.x when using C#; and Rider is so much better than the alternatives, but because is justifiably commercial, it would mean losing money and time to my experiments.)
I had hoped that by this point in my prototyping, I would have a minimal interactive system to which I could focus on adding content and visual flourish. Instead, I have several abandoned experimental architectures. This narrative has been my attempt to explain how I got here. I have learned more about some aspects of Flutter and Dart, but I am also holding two paradoxical ideas in my head: Fred Brooks' observation that you should build a system to throw away because you're going to anyway, and the knowledge that the last 10% of a project takes another 90% of the effort. That is, any understanding I claim to have is on a sandy foundation if the project itself has not shipped. Dagger Mountain may have had critical post-launch patches, but at least I understand exactly why. Whether any particular bloc-like or asynchrony-based approach would be better for this other project is still uncertain. I continue to second-guess myself, but I am also hopeful that having written this, I can return to prototyping after the Christmas break with a fresh perspective.
TT Games that my groups have liked the most over the years have involved a lot of table talk (messaging) and interrupts (reactive code?). They were also often political (Paxos et al. don't come close to the factional/allegiance games we've seen).
ReplyDeleteThe things we've disliked most over time are the games that are algorithmically solvable "puzzles" like most Euros. No, I should correct that. The ones everyone hated the most were die-throwing combat Ameritrash games like Risk.
Those inform my thoughts about code.
I, personally, don't really enjoy video games, though.