Friday, July 12, 2024

Summer course revisions 2024: CS222 Advanced Programming

I made a few significant structural changes to CS222 for the Fall semester. The course plan has just been uploaded, so feel free to read it for the implementation details. The motivation for all the changes was the same: reduce friction. The course has always had a lot of stuff going on in it, and students seem less able to manage this than they could in the past. For example, it used to be that I could explain triage grading such that most of the students understood it, but students become more brainwashed into the LMS way of running a class, they become less able to conceive of alternatives.

I decided to use the same grading scheme in this class as I am trying in Game Programming. Each assignment will be graded on the scale Successful, Minor Revisions Needed, New Attempt Required, or Incomplete, following Bowman's case study. The EMRF approach that I tried last year did not work, and I am hopeful that this alternative alternative will patch some of the leaks. I considered breaking down the CS222 assignments into individual goals, as Bowman does in his math courses and as I have done in Game Programming, but I found it to be unnecessarily complicated to do so. Instead, I have taken each day's work and consolidated it into a single assignment with multiple graded parts. I hope that this, too, simplifies the students' experiences.

I am still using achievements, but I have changed how they are assigned and assessed. For many years, I have had an open submission policy, where students can complete achievements at any time, and their final grade is based on the quantity and quality submitted. This gave students one more thing to manage, and it was something that could not easily be represented in Canvas. My wishing that students didn't delegate or subjugate their planning to Canvas won't change the fact that they do. Hence, I'm just asking students to do three achievements during the semester. It will be like choosing an assignment from a menu. Since they are otherwise a normal kind of assignment, I don't need special policies for resubmission, either. Maintaining this parallel structure between achievements and assignments also made me remove the star system evaluations. Previously, students could claim one star through self evaluation, two through peer evaluation, and three through expert evaluation. I love the idea of having students review each others' work in this way, but in the name of streamlining, I have removed it. Since I don't have this kind of peer evaluation on other assignments, I am going to remove it here as well.

From the beginnings of CS222, I have used Google Docs to manage submissions so that students can see and comment on each others work. I used to spend time in class doing more peer review in this way, but this got cut out as new "content" was added to the course. Google Docs stayed as a convenient way for me to see student work and especially for students to do the peer reviews required for achievements. Taking those away means there's no real good reason to make students go through the process of submitting through Google Docs. As students' general computing literacy has declined, I have had more and more trouble with students understanding how to use Google Docs and the browser according to the instructions. Now there's no reason besides tradition to keep it, so out goes Google Docs.

I still want to keep my course plans online and publicly available rather than having them stashed away on Canvas. However, my old approach to managing the course site as an SPA made it impossible for me to link directly to specific parts of a document. Somewhere between .htaccess configurations and shadow DOM, I could just not make it work. This was especially frustrating since this is so simple in vanilla HTML: just link to a named anchor. With the change in how I am assigning and evaluating work, I decided it was time to make this work. I have spent about two work days fighting with web development and finally ended up with the solution you can find on the course plan. I have kept lit html and Web Components because of the powerful automation tools they provide: I can define the data of an achievement, for example, and use Javascript and HTML templates to generate the code that displays it. I have stopped using the open-wc generators and npm. I looked into trying to use the open-wc generator and rollup without the SPA configuration, but it turns out that the instructions for doing this are not up to date: they produce a conflicting dependency error. Hence, I just went with a simple deployment solution that copies my source files and a minified JS lit-html library to the web server. Even though I already wrote about my frustrations with maintaining my Game Programming site, and how they led me to migrate the site to GitHub, I am thinking about revisiting that decision based on the work I've done to get the CS222 page working properly.

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